The Great Banquet Registration

Reservation Request Form

The Great Banquet of Dallas is a three-day experience of spiritual renewal through learning and sharing in a Christian community environment. The consequence of the experience is different for each guest because each ofus has a unique personal relationship with Christ. The Great Banquet is designed to cause you to attain a higher plane of Christian life and promote brotherly relationships through the communal support of your fellow guests.

The dates for the 2023 banquets are Men’s Great Banquet #66  March 2-5  Women’s Great Banquet #6 7  March 16-19

Men’s Great Banquet #68 September 28 – October 1  Women’s Great Banquet #69 October 12 – 15

The fee for this Banquet will be a gift of Agape from your sponsor. Guests and sponsors will be notified of their date by letter several weeks before the Great Banquet. Please return this form to your sponsor as soon as possible.

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